Welcome to The German Shepherd Dog Breed Council
The German Shepherd Dog Breed Council began life in 1986 and is made up of GSD Clubs from all over the British Isles. Representatives from the member clubs meet regularly to discuss all aspects of the breed with the objective being the advancement of the German Shepherd Dog. This forum for discussion enables the clubs to speak with a united voice.The Kennel Club rules prevent an individual person from becoming a member in their own right, and anyone wishing to join the council would do so by becoming part of a member club. Find your nearest Member Club by clicking on the link above.
- British Sieger Show Schedule 2025 (PDF)
- British Sieger Entry Form 2025 (PDF)
- British Sieger Entry Form 2025 (DOC)
The German Shepherd Dog Breed Council operates:
- A Breed Survey Scheme which takes place all over the country
with full reports on surveyed dogs being published in the GSD
National Magazine.
- A Blood Screening Scheme to locate haemophiliac males, and
through them the female carriers.
- A Breed Database.
- A GSD Breed Council Survey Achive
- A Judge's Training Course.
The German Shepherd Dog Breed Council also produces:
- A glossy monthly GSD National Magazine.
- Breed Survey Certificates.
- An illustrated version of the KC Standard.
- Videos.
We have 3 video's for sale:
- The German Shepherd Dog
- The Talk given by Herr Buss
- The Talk given by Herr Orschler
Both entertaining and educational, these are a must for any true
GSD enthusiast. For more information please contact The Secretary (see